Children's eBook

'Annabella's Magic Dress' was originally a traveling story that I created to tell my daughter, Michelle, to entertain her as we drove the long roads through the mountains of Northern California during the early 1980's. At that time we lived twenty miles from the nearest town. Just one of a series of Annabella tales, this was her favorite. I decided to write it down and illustrate it with pen and ink.

Twenty-six years later, during the winter that Michelle waited to give birth to her own daughter, I was inspired to overlay the pictures with the bright warmth of colored pencil and present it to her as a gift. In February of 2008, also my own birth month, Bella Rose Marie came into the world–her name inspired by the Annabella story told those long years ago by her grandmother to her mother.

This story is now going out to all children-at-heart, from two to one hundred and two. With it I want to convey a hope for love and courage, as each one of us follows our own path winding through the forest of life.

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